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Here are some links you may enjoy.




I have an art blog attached to this site - see tab.


I have another blog for my Stories and Poems.



Art Collections


This is a website that gives access to many of the public owned paintings held in museums and galleries. Great for browsing or looking for inspiration.



I have not used this one much but it is another access to artists and galleries.


And of course there is the Tate.



A good place for Turner's painting although there are other collections


Van Gogh

Some illustrated Van Gogh stories


One collection of Van Gogh's work


A useful list of Van Gogh's drawings



I met Cherrie Mansfield when I visited her studio during Worcestershire's 'Open Studios' 2016 event. She describes her work as 'Bold and expressive' and that is what you get.


Threads through Revelation is a great exhibition of textile art by Jacqui Parkinson that is travelling the country. There are fourteen large panels illustrating scenes from the last book of the Christian bible.

I have no religious belief but have read The Book of Revelation in my youth. It is full of images and symbols that are said to be visions of the future with battles between good and evil. You do not need belief to gain much from spending time with Jacqui Parkinson’s work. As Jacqui says, ‘The book of Revelation will always remain full of deep mystery. But mysteries can speak to each of us in many ways.’

Here are vibrant colours and there is visceral depth given to the panels by creating them in textiles. The art is magnificent and the craft skills are astonishing. See Blog for more and to find out where you can see the exhibition go to the website.


Art teacher


Paul Priestley used to run courses in Herefordshire. I went to some years ago and found them useful as a starting point. He now makes YouTube videos. I am sure I would be a better artist if I were a better student. He also did sessions for children hence his nickname Filbert Splosh.



Art Supplies


SAA (Society for All Artists) has a good online shop. If you are buying quantity or often it might be worth joining - for a fee - as you then get a good discount. I joined for a year or two when I was building up supplies.


I have bought some well discounted Winsor and Newton acrylic paints from Granthams.


There are many online art supplies shops like:












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